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Faculty of POST HARVEST engineering




M.E., Ph.D.


Assistant Professor and Head


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Dr. M. Nagaraj is an Assistant Professor and Head in the Department of Post Harvest Engineering at the Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai, India. He received his B.E. in mechanical engineering and his M.E. in energy engineering from Anna University. He received his Ph.D. from Hindustan University in Chennai, India. He has 10 years of academic experience. His research areas are CFD, Deform3D, and Energy Engineering. He has published around 20 research articles in Scopusand SCI-indexed journals. He has presented around four papers at international conferences. He has published two patents. He got funding for 54,000 rupees from the UGC Xll Plan for a solar energy awareness program.




M.E., Ph.D.




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Dr. VELUMANI. A is a Professor in the Department of Post Harvest Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Science (SIMATS), Chennai.

She received Ph.D from Anna University,  Chennai in year 2011,Master’s degree in Irrigation Water Management in the year 1992,Anna university, Guindy, Chennai and Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture Engineering in the year 1990 at Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, Coimbatore, India. She qualified in the National Eligibility Test – NET conducted by ICAR, Delhi 1990 and GATE 1992 and spent about Twenty-Seven years of teaching in Engineering and carried many administrative responsibilities. With a background of Agriculture Engineering degree and being a member of NIRAI trust (NGO), she is working with farmers and rural communities to meet their needs. She has 40 +    publications including books and conference proceedings. Moreover, she has completed two funded projects sponsored by DST- TNSCST and SNS Trust, India. Currently working on IOT based Agriculture system, Water Quality Analysis and Treatment, Food Processing etc.,


Patents and Awards

  1. Patent published: Application No.201841004830 A, 2018, Paver Block and a Method for Manufacturing the using waste Material from chemical industries.

  2. Best Teacher Award in 2022 by the Kalivi Chutar and Knowledge exchange forum

  3. Outstanding Engineer Award in 2018 by the Institution of Engineers (IE), Coimbatore Chapter, India.

  4. Excellent Women Professional Achievement Award jn 2018 by Global professionals – Educationalist Awards & Honors Convocation

  5. Innovative Scientific Researcher in 2017 by the Society of Innovative Educationalist & Scientific Research Professional, India

  6. Best Teacher - Periyar Award in 2012 by Indian Society for Technical Education (State Level).





M.Tech., Ph.D.




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Dr. Kalil Rahiman M, working as a Professor at the Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Science (SIMATS), Chennai, in the Department of Agro Energy Engineering.  He received his Ph.D. from Anna University and his M. Tech. under the specialisation of Design and Production of Thermal Power Equipment from National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappali. His areas of interest in research include the application of bio-fuels, fuel analysis, energy, combustion, and emission analysis in internal combustion engine functionalities. He has four patents published and more than 30+ international journal publications in the high impact factor journals. Additionally, he presented his research at numerous conferences all across the country and also organised various programs, such as conferences, seminars, workshops, and FDPs, respectively. He has been employed in a variety of positions at various institutes, including teaching, research, and administration. Moreover, he has contributed to the editorial boards as a reviewer for Elsevier, Springer, the ACS, and other publishers as well.

Patents and Awards

  1. Fabrication of Cost-Effective Helmet by using Hybrid (Bast/Carbon Fibre) FML Composite. Ref. E-2/2155/2020-CHE, dated 07.08.2020. Mr. MS Prasath, Mr. R Naveen, Mr. G Sivaraj, Dr. Kalil Rahiman M.

  2. Modern Wind Turbine with Turbulators. Ref. E-2/2400/2020-CHE, dated 04.09.2020. Mr. G Sivaraj, Dr. K M Parammasivam, Mr. MS Prasath, Dr. Kalil Rahiman, Mr. M. Ramesh

  3. Structure of oil lamp wick holder to recollect the overflow oil, Mr. V D Tamilarasan Dr. Kalil Rahiman. October 2020.

  4. Hair Collector Design. Dr. Kalil Rahiman M, Mr. S. Santhoshkumar, February 2021.





M.E., Ph.D.




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Dr.T.Shaafi, Professor, Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Saveetha School Engineering, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai specialized in Thermal Engineering. He has more than 23 years of experience in teaching and 2 years in industrial experience. He has guided several project works for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Engineering students. His area of research interests alternative fuels for IC Engines, pollution control from IC Engines, Engine Management Systems, Nano fluids, Energy Conservation, Energy Engineering. Under his guidance, one scholar has submitted thesis and three scholars are undergoing experimental studies.



Dr. G. Velmurugan


M.E., Ph.D.


Assistant Professor (SG)


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M.Tech., Ph.D.


Assistant Professor


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Dr. R. Sundarakannan


M.E., Ph.D.


Assistant Professor


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